Numpy cheat sheet

Disclaimer: this course is adapted from the work by Nicolas Rougier:

Let us start with a preliminary remark concerning the random part. One is expected to run a command like

import numpy as np
rng = np.random.default_rng(12)

before anything, to initialize the random generator rng.

Matrix creation

Creation: vector case

Code Result
 x = np.zeros(9) 
 x = np.ones(9)
 x = np.full(9, 0.5)
 x = np.zeros(9)
 x[2] = 1
 x = np.arange(9)
 x = rng.random(9)

Creation: matrix case

Code Result
 M = np.zeros((5, 9)) 
 M = np.ones((5, 9))
 M = np.zeros((5, 9))
 M[0, 2] = 0.5
 M[1, 0] = 1.
 M[2, 1] = 0.4
 M = np.arange(45).reshape((5, 9))
 M = rng.random((5, 9))
 M = np.eye(5, 9)
 M = np.diag(np.arange(5))
 M = np.diag(np.arange(3), k=2)

Meshgrid (🇫🇷: maillage)

nx, ny = (8, 3)
x = np.linspace(0, 1, nx)
y = np.linspace(0, 1, ny)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
x y xx yy

Creation: tensor cases

Code Result
 T = np.zeros((3, 5, 9)) 
 T = np.ones((3, 5, 9))
 T = np.arange(135).reshape(3, 5, 9)
 T = rng.random((3, rows, cols))

n1, n2 = 5, 3 ones = np.ones((n2, n1)) ones = ones[:, :, np.newaxis] lnsp = np.linspace(0.01, 0.99, 8) T = ones * lnsp

Matrix reshaping

We start here with

M = np.zeros((3, 4))
M[2, 2] = 1

Starting from the previous matrix, we can reshape it in different ways:

Code Result
M = M.reshape(4, 3)
M = M.reshape(12, 1)
M = M.reshape(1, 12)
M = M.reshape(6, 2)
M = M.reshape(2, 6)


Start from a zero matrix:

M = np.zeros((5, 9))

Starting from the previous matrix, we can slice it in different ways:

Code Result
M[...] = 1 
M[:, ::2] = 1
M[::2, :] = 1
M[1, 1] = 1
M[:, 0] = 1
M[0, :] = 1
M[2:; 2:] = 1
M[:-2:, :-2] = 1
M[2:4, 2:4] = 1
M[::2, ::2] = 1
M[3::2, 3::2] = 1

Operations on matrices

Start from a simple matrix:

rows, cols = 3, 6
M = np.linspace(0, 1, rows * cols).reshape(rows, cols)

Starting from the previous matrix, we can apply the following operations:

Code Result
 M[::-1, :] 
 M[:, ::-1] 
np.where(M > 0.5, 0, 1) 
np.maximum(M, 0.5) 
np.minimum(M, 0.5) 
np.mean(M, axis=0) 
np.mean(M, axis=1) 

For the last operations note that the dimensions of the matrices are reduced, so you create a vector as a result, with dimensions (6,) or (3,) respectively, when computing the mean along the 0-axis (column-wise mean), respectively along the 1-axis (row-wise mean).


Broadcasting allows the addition of matrices of different sizes (though this is mathematically wrong), by repeating the smaller ones along the missing dimensions. The only requirement is that the trailing (i.e, rightmost) dimensions match, somehow.



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